Bodybuilding Nutrition Principles – Stop Megadosing

The fifth of our bodybuilding nutrition principles encourages you to stop megadosing. It is a misconception amongst bodybuilders that nothing succeeds like excess. Meaning that if something is good for you, then twice as much is even better, and that too much is never enough. This is a motto which is prevalent in bodybuilding and strength training, and this is particularly the case when the subjects of protein and supplements are mentioned.

It is for this reason that bodybuilders and strength trainers tend to megadose on supplements and foods in the mistaken belief that the more they eat and take, the more muscle they will build. However, nothing could be further removed form the truth. You require a certain and specific amount of nutrients for muscle building based on your individual needs. If you eat more than you need it will just turn into unsightly fat. If you megadose on bodybuilding supplements, the extra will only be excreted or at worst, can be toxic to your body.

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Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics

It is possible to train full-bore on squats, dead lifts and a few other great exercises, but if you are not adequately consuming the building materials your body requires, you can rest assured that you will not achieve the gains you desire. If you can’t get the necessary combination of training, ordinary food and adequate rest to deliver good steady gains in muscle and might, you should not even think about taking any non-nutritional bodybuilding food supplement.

The studying of practical and effective nutrition and training is not only great, but it is necessary. However the purpose is to help you build a stronger and better developed physique, not just to educate you for the sake of doing so. You should aim to apply the learning with every ounce of drive and desire that you possess.

Vitamin and mineral supplements, unless you find you are seriously deficient in something, cannot make an immediate impact on your training, other than the placebo effect in some cases. However, what they do if taken in the long term, is benefit your health which will then allow for an increase in training longevity. A good potency and well-balanced vitamin and mineral formula taken all the time not only will benefit bodybuilders, but would benefit everyone.

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Use Supplements To Ease Your Tendon Irritation.

Emphasize eccentric contractions rather that concentric in the areas where you’re feeling tendon stress. An example would be lowering the bar slowly (6–10 counts) in the biceps curl and then having a spotter help you lift the weight into the upright, or contracted, position. Studies have shown that eccentric loading may strengthen the tendon while reducing stress on it. This is an often-overlooked but important method of rehabbing tendons.

Modify your “no pain, no gain” philosophy. This begins by carefully listening to your body. Stop training any time you feel sharp pain or an unusual irritation in the area. If you experience prolonged soreness or a deep ache after training you may need to lower your intensity in that muscle group until it becomes clear what those sensations are related to.

Supplement to ease your tendon irritation. A number of supplements, including those that can be used either topically or orally, have been shown to help with tendinitis. Keep in mind, however, that no substance has shown an ability to reverse the cellular damage of tendinitis; only time and healing can do that. But certain supplements may be helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with tendinitis and cultivating a supportive environment for healing. Those noted as being effective are:

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Dwayne Johnson’s Workout and Diet Routine

Untitled Former pro wrestler Dwayne Johnson currently stars in the movie The Tooth Fairy. Yes, he plays a Tooth Fairy in the movie. Prior to the Tooth Fairy role, he starred in the movie Return to Witch Mountain.

I thought he was great in Witch Mountain as a taxi cab driver who helps two teenage aliens save the world. Tooth Fairy seems a little hard for me to swallow. I haven’t seen it yet and the reviews are moderate.

Check out this video of Dwayne Johnson becoming an honorary player for the L.A. Kings hockey team. You will also see some footage from his movie The Tooth Fairy.

Before Johnson was a movie star he was known as The Rock in Wrestling World Entertainment. He holds second place for the most reigns as WWF/E Champion. He held the title seven times before he left the business in 2004.

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Bodybuilding with Raw Power!

raw_food_diet_for_children My chiropractor swears by eating raw food. He says it keeps him happy and healthy. He does look healthy and seems happy.

I personally like to eat cooked food every now and then. I can’t image eating only raw food. I’d miss out on holiday meals and trips to the frozen yogurt shop.

Raw Foodie

I came across an interview with raw food bodybuilder Stephen Arlin at Living and Raw Food. Arlin’s perspective on natural bodybuilding is worth considering.

He also wrote a book entitled Raw Power! It is the only book about building strength and muscles naturally the raw way. I like that idea.

Raw Power! is about bodybuilding naturally with a 100% natural diet. The idea in the book is that your body can stay fit, strong, healthy and energetic the raw way.

Arlin argues that gorillas have the strength equivalent to bench pressing 4,000 pounds — that’s 40 times stronger than the average man.

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10 Reasons to Quit Soda for Good

colas I gave up soda at the start of my first pregnancy seven years ago, a habit that — unlike sweets — was easy to kick. Aside from the occasional urge for a sip, I’m happy with plain water 99 percent of the time.

But, I know how hard it is to give up a habit, especially when there’s sugar involved (see above!) However, like sugary snacks, soda adds an excess of empty calories to your daily intake, an excess that can actually harm your health.

I recently read a statistic which said the average American drinks a six pack of soda per day. I know I’m not drinking a six pack a day, nor is anyone in my family. So, that means someone out there is drinking the soda for me. Since I can’t find that statistic, I can’t verify it. But, soda drinking has long been targeted as a risk factor for obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay.

If you’ve been thinking about giving up soda (aside: we call it pop where I live), then good for

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Want to Reduce Daily Calories? Eat Eggs for Breakfast!

Egg3 When you “get cracking” in the morning with an egg breakfast, you are likely to stave off hunger, therefore reducing your calorie intake by as much as 18 percent.

This, according to a study in the journal Nutrition Research.

21 male subjects, each ate two different test breakfasts. On one test day the participants ate an egg-based, protein-rich breakfast including three scrambled eggs and one-and-a-half pieces of white toast. On another test day they ate a bagel-based, carbohydrate-rich breakfast including one plain bagel, one half tablespoon of low-fat cream cheese and six ounces of low-fat yogurt. The two breakfasts contained identical calories.

The macronutrient breakdown was as follows:

  • Eggs: 22:55:23 (carbohydrate, fat, protein)
  • Bagel: 72:12:16 (carbohydrate, fat, protein)


  • The men ate roughly 112 fewer calories at a buffet lunch three hours following the egg breakfast, compared to the bagel breakfast.

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Study: Fruits, Veggies Have Little Effect on Cancer

1270748283605 A new study finds that eating fruits and vegetables daily didn’t have the expected benefits against cancer. But researchers caution that doesn’t mean you should skip such healthy foods.

They’re still the hallmarks of a healthy diet, but fruits and vegetables do less to prevent cancer than previously thought, according to a major new study published this week.

A team of researchers at New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine followed the diets of 478,000 Europeans living in 10 countries, from 1992 to 2000. At an eight-year follow-up, 30,000 of the participants had developed cancer.

When the researchers analyzed the diets of the participants and factored in the cancer rates, they concluded that for every two portions of fruits and vegetables eaten a day, an individual’s risk of cancer fell by an average of only 3 percent.

The results are “very weak,” the report states, especially compared with previous studies, which have given fruits and vegetables credit for as much as a 50 percent reduction in cancer rates.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which help prevent cellular damage that is

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8 Nutrients That You Need

Below are eight important bodybuilding nutrients, the best food sources of each, and supplement tips to enhance your recovery and support your quest for greater mass and size.

Your body needs this antioxidant to make collagen, the glue that supports joint health. If you’re sticking to the heavy basics — squats, bent rows, deadlifts and bench presses — you know these exercises can take a toll on your joints. Vitamin C can also help lower cortisol, the stress hormone associated with gut-busting training sessions that can cause the body to enter a catabolic (muscle-burning) state.

Good sources: peppers, broccoli, oranges, tomatoes, cantaloupe, strawberries and cauliflower.
As a supplement: Taking 500-1,000 milligrams (mg) with your postworkout meal can offset cortisol levels.

Vitamin E can decrease the amount of creatine kinase (CK) activity — CK is an enzyme that indicates muscle damage. It’s believed a high intake of E can help reduce damage, leading to better recovery and muscle repair. One study showed that a very high dose (900 international units [IU]) could also potentially help in the storage of glycogen.

Good sources: wheat germ, soybeans, eggs, nuts, sweet potatoes, spinach and molasses.
As a supplement: Take 200-800 IU with your postworkout meal.

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General Nutrition: 7 Basics You Need To Succeed

1 Eat balanced meals

If you think it’s all about protein, think again. Bodybuilding nutrition is about providing your body with the optimal balance of foods at every meal. In fact, your body can handle only so much protein for muscle building. Once you reach this saturation point, protein is torn down and used for energy, an inefficient, cost-ineffective process. Instead, consume a balanced diet of healthy fats, complex carbs, protein and vegetables.

2 Keep nutrients steady through the day

Part of the reason for eating several meals a day is to provide your body with a steady stream of nutrients. It’s important to eat five to seven meals a day, and to eat healthy fats, quality protein and complex carbs at every meal for a continuous supply of macronutrients to keep your body growing.

3 Consume adequate protein

Bodybuilders must eat quality protein. Without protein, you simply aren’t providing your body with the most rudimentary tool for muscle building. Consume at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight every day.

4 Eat complex carbs

Bodybuilders often avoid carbohydrates for fear they will add too much bodyfat. Most amateur bodybuilders eat plenty of carbs, but they eat simple or starchy carbs at the expense of the more beneficial complex kind. Emphasize foods such as yams, oatmeal, brown rice and whole-grain breads in your diet. These foods, coupled with protein, are the ones that most encourage muscle growth.

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Big and Lean Muscle Machine

Nine sure bets for packing in mass while staying lean

1 LOAD UP ON LOW-FAT CARBS We all know we need to increase protein and carb intake for muscle growth and recovery to occur. The daily parameters are 1-1.25 grams (g) of complete protein per pound of bodyweight and 2.5-3.5 g of carbs per pound of bodyweight. When pushing the carb envelope into the 3.5 g neighborhood, switch to fat-free sources of protein, such as fish, egg whites, protein powders, skinless chicken breasts, nonfat cheese and nonfat cottage cheese.

2 DUMP CARBS AS FAT INCREASES To build trainloads of muscle, add red meat to your diet. Muscle-building red meat is high in B vitamins and iron. The need for omega-3 fatty acids — responsible for enhancing glycogen formation, retarding muscle breakdown and promoting hormone production — mandates eating salmon, steak or flaxseed oil four days per week. During those steak and salmon days, lower carb intake to 2.5 g per pound of bodyweight to prevent an increase in bodyfat.

3 OPT FOR SLOW-BURNING CARBS IF YOU’RE A HEAVYWEIGHT If you tend to be on the heavy side of the bodyweight equation, stick with natural slow-burning carbs. Yams, oats, rye bread, Cream of Rye cereal, peaches and apples all yield smaller insulin bursts, thereby helping to discourage the accumulation of bodyfat.

4 CHOOSE ANY CARB IF YOU’RE LEAN If your percentage of bodyfat tends to be low, you can chow down any type of carb. Leaner athletes release less net insulin than their heavier brothers and sisters. Less insulin means lower bodyfat. Bagels, rice, pasta, fruit and low-fat cookies are all legit.

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An Apple A Day Keeps Muscle Loss Away

If you’re a serious bodybuilder who wants to gain and maintain size, you should consume a variety of fruits and vegetables. While we often push protein because it’s the most critical macronutrient category for bodybuilders, regardless of the type of diet, we also emphasize the value of mixed meals based around whole high-protein foods. Powders are great and can make it easier and more convenient to consume large amounts of protein (without extra fat and carbs), and thus achieve your maximal potential, but they are not essential for developing a massive and monstrously strong physique. Remember, food forms the basis of your nutrition plan and supplements enhance a balanced diet. Fruits and veggies are typically promoted because of their content of fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, as well as their direct and indirect influence on metabolism and overall health. The benefits are many and potentially quite significant, especially in the long run. Fiber has significant “gut building” (as in the lining of the intestines, not your waistline) effects that, among other things, help process and utilize protein more efficiently. One very important but little-publicized reason for bodybuilders to hit fruits and veggies hard is the potential anticatabolic effect of these foods–their ability to help maintain muscle and bone.


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