Weight Loss Diet & Nutrition Myths

One more portion of delusions (this time regarding diets and weight losing):

In order to lose weight you need to exclude fats from the food you eat completely

In truth, it you want to lose weight soon it’s better to reduce the quantity of consumed carbohydrates that cause especially high insulin release what, in its turn, leads to increase of fat synthesis in our organism.

Fats (especially Omega 3) in small quantities can be even useful. You should understand the following idea: the less fat you consume the weaker necessity your organism has to use them as an energy source.

It doesn’t mean that you should eat a lot of fat food. It means that in case of weight losing you need to concentrate your attention on reduction of carbohydrates (and first of all on reduction of simple carbohydrates (sugar)).

You need to weigh yourself to find out how much excess fat you have in your body

In reality, this method to find out your normal weight is the oldest, the simplest and the most inaccurate one. People of the same stature can have different bone thickness, different amount of muscle mass, different sizes of their internals and different intestine length. All these factors determine body weight: for example, for a man of 180cm stature the normal weight varies

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Low Carb Diet

The idea of low carb diet lies in the fact that you reduce the amount of consumed calories not at the expense of fats but at the expense of carbohydrates. When your organism consumes a limited amount of carbohydrates it starts using glycogen as an energy source; as soon as glycogen supply shrinks your body stars using stored fat instead.

Speaking differently, your body will burn excess fat in order to replenish missing energy when you consume limited amount of carbs. This process is known as ketosis – appearance of ketone bodies (natural by-products of fat metabolism) in our organism. Presence of ketone cells in the organism is especially useful for bodybuilders because they can be used as an energy source and due to this they assist muscle mass maintenance. In addition to all that has been said above, ketones suppress our appetite.

Why does reduction of the quantity of carbs eaten with food appear to be the most effective method of fat burning?

Everybody knows that carbs (sugars) are the main and most effective energy source of our organism. They are easily assimilated and transformed into glucose that circulates in our blood vessel system and into glycogen that is stored in our liver and muscles for further use. Capability of these natural ‘tanks’ to accumulate glycogen is rather limited: when received carbohydrates either cannot be stored (in case of exceeding of their daily norm) in the form of glycogen or it’s simply not enough time for this (in case of consumption of high-glycemic easily-assimilated sugars) glucose blood level immediately increases. This stimulates secretion of hormone insulin

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